Project Prep Pro

by Ryan Thomas

We have been experimenting a bit  with this awesome new website called    They allow you to make simple iPhone and Android compatible apps using google sheets as the database.

I’ve been wanting to create a better system for prepping for projects as a DP, it can be really tough sometimes to remember all the details and ideas you come up with for each scene or location, and even more difficult to get that information to your department heads. 

This free app allows you to track projects, reference images/videos, as well as location and scene notes, shots for each scene, and even will tell you the necessary footcandles you’ll need to shoot each scene.

Here’s our explainer video on what it can do:

If you like this app and want to install it on your phone, just navigate to the link below and save the app to your homescreen.

The link to our app is:

Bolt Lighting Rental Inc is a lighting rental house located in the San Francisco Bay Area. We’re committed to training the next generation of technicians everywhere. Check out our instagram for daily educational content.